Ukraine: Reality Check
Ukrainians - and their supporters - are currently the world's greatest threat
Ukraine was NEVER a country before the USSR split. This shows it has always been part of Poland, Hungary, or Russia. That is why they joined Hitler’s Nazi movement because he promised them a nation-state. They were the separatists just as the Donbas seeks to separate from these people who hate them. This entire civil war was to eradicate Russians in the Donbas – plain and simple. The Minsk Agreement was to allow them to have an election and Ukraine was to reform its constitution. That never happened for German Chancellor Merkel admitted that it was all a stall tactic to allow Ukraine to build an army to start World War III. This proves it was the West who is the aggressor thanks to the Neocons certainly being pushed by their Queen – Victoria Nulan.
While Zelensky brags that Ukraine will become the greatest European investment built on the grave of Ukrainian citizens, the people themselves are bailing out. Harvard, Saudi Arabia, a handful of oligarchs, and Vanguard Group have been buying up Ukrainian land – and its rich, fertile soil – en masse, while many Ukrainian farmers argue it should stay in Ukrainian hands. But people cannot live during the war on propaganda. Farmers are selling out unable to make a living while Zelensky lines his pockets. Make no mistake about it. The Donbas is occupied by Russians for centuries. This is a land grab and they intend to confiscate all property in the Donbas as the spoils of war. The Russians there will be stripped of all assets if not massacred.