Share this postHelluland Public BroadcastingThis is America to the World (Part 2)May contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePlayback speed×Share postShare post at current timeShare from 0:000:00/0:00Paid episodeThe full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Helluland Public BroadcastingSubscribe to watchThis is America to the World (Part 2)In addition to senile Joe and demented NancyBerserkir Hirð ÞrirApr 01, 2022∙ Paid8Share this postHelluland Public BroadcastingThis is America to the World (Part 2)May contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore2ShareThe full video is for paid subscribersSubscribeAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inHelluland Public BroadcastingSubscribeAuthorsBerserkir Hirð Þrir