Share this postHelluland Public BroadcastingCensorship of the Israel-Palestine Conflict Draws Attention in NorwayMay contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreHÚVCensorship of the Israel-Palestine Conflict Draws Attention in Norway"Could affect Norwegian democracy", says Tobias Judin from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.Berserkir Hirð ÞrirNov 02, 2023∙ Paid10Share this postHelluland Public BroadcastingCensorship of the Israel-Palestine Conflict Draws Attention in NorwayMay contain explicit contentThis post was automatically hidden by your content settings.Show anywayAdjust settingsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareThis post is for paid subscribersSubscribeAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inPreviousNext